This year as part of the Wreaths Across America, James Hillhouse High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) honored the veterans by placing armed services wreaths at Westville Cemetery.
This time-honored wreath-laying tradition allowed the cadets to embody the tenets to Remember our fallen U.S. veterans, Honor those who served, and Teach our children the value of freedom.

Cadet Captain Damarley Barrett led the way with the first wreath laid honoring a United States Army World War I veteran. Cadet Captain Joslyn Maldanado, Cadet First Lieutenant Danecia Henry, and Cadet Private Michelle Vidal followed with laying seven additional wreaths honoring those who fought for our freedoms representing all branches of service and our Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) men and women and their families that we will never forget.

“Maintaining a presence in our community is important to me as a Cadet leader, and being able to participate in my first wreath laying ceremony will be my most memorable thus far,” said CDT CPT Barrett.

The Cadet leaders who participated in the ceremony will teach the other JHHS JROTC Cadets about the significance and importance with the ceremony and the organization Wreaths Across America.

During the chaotic time of the holiday season, being able to dedicate just a small portion of our time to remember and express our appreciation to all of our veterans, men and women who are currently serving, and their families, is the true purpose and joyous feeling this time of the year.
Jose Sala is the new JROTC instructor at Hillhouse High School.