Maya McFadden Photo
Members of the Yale-China Association receive the donation.
At a time when the Chinese and United States governments are at odds, person-to-person pandemic cooperation was on display Monday on Temple Street.
There, the Yale-China Association received 2,150 N95 respirator masks and 12 boxes of surgical gowns from China partners who are showing their support for New Haven health workers.
The shipment of personal protective equipment (PPE) was the second round sent to Yale New Haven and other hospitals by a group of seven Chinese nonprofit organizations known as the “COVID-19 Life Preservation Initiative.” The New Haven shipment is a part of the group’s larger initiative to provide about one million pieces of PPE nationally.
Yale-China Association Executive Director David Youtz said the China-based initiative reached out to him in March offering to donate to the Yale New Haven Hospital in an effort to support the city.
“This is a great demonstration that shows the effective collaboration between American and Chinese people,” Youtz said. We work well together” despite a decline in international relations at the federal government level between the U.S and China.
Two weeks ago the Yale-China Association received more than 150,000 N95 respirator masks, face shields, and surgical gowns for the frontline at Yale New Haven Hospital caring for patients during the pandemic to use.
The international initiative is made up of former Yale students, friends of Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale Medical School, and alumni working in China.
After hearing about the peak of Covid-19 cases in New Haven, people in Changhsa, a New Haven sister city in China, began collecting the PPE to show their support and send their wishes for recovery.
The initiative plans to send more shipments. The next is to come from a hospital in Hunan that was also founded by members of Yale in 1906.