Contributed Photo
Erika and Nicholas Christakis.
Yale’s Nicholas Christakis has stepped down from his position as Silliman Head of College after becoming the center of controversy this year about the campus climate for people of color.
Christakis had been head of Silliman College, one of 12 residential dorms for undergraduates, when he and his wife Erika sent an email to undergraduates telling them to “look away” from offensive Halloween costumes, such as blackface or racial caricatures.
The email became one spark igniting large racial-justice protests this past winter, leading Yale President Peter Salovey to increase budgets of ethnic and racial cultural centers, expand the ethnic-studies faculty positions and get anti-discrimination training for top administrators at the university.

Paul Bass Photo
Hundreds march to President Salovey’s house near midnight on evening this past November.
Protesting students had called on Nicholas Christakis to step down as Head of Silliman since the winter.
Nicholas and Erika Christakis’ email also prompted a larger discussion on the role and limitations of free speech in academia, as well as the use of “safe spaces” for students of marginalized backgrounds.
His resignation is effective as of July. He will continue to be a professor at the university. (He held the title of residential college “master,” which Yale is now changing to “head of college.”)
Nicholas Christakis informed the Silliman community of his resignation Wednesday in a community-wide email message. The text follows:
Dear Sillimanders,
Last week, I gave my resignation to President Salovey and will be stepping down from my role as Head of Silliman College, effective July, 2016. I thank President Salovey and Dean Holloway for the opportunity to serve in this role and look forward to continuing my work as a professor at Yale and as director of the Human Nature Lab and co-director of the Yale Institute for Network Science. Erika and I have devoted our professional lives to advocating for all young people. We have great respect for every member of our community, friend and critic alike. We remain hopeful that students at Yale can express themselves and engage complex ideas within an intellectually plural community. But we feel it is time to return full-time to our respective fields of public health and early childhood education.
This was a difficult decision, as I am myself a proud beneficiary of Yale’s residential college system. I still believe wholeheartedly that the residential colleges are the cornerstone of Yale’s unique educational program. It is within these walls – through the experience of being both embraced and challenged – that we can best accomplish the mission of Yale College: “to educate (students) through mental discipline and social experience, to develop their intellectual, moral, civic and creative capacities to the fullest.”
In friendship and good faith, this remains my aspiration for all.
With every good wish,