Sunder Ganglani, 31, husband of the Yale assistant English professor who died in police lock-up on Nov. 24, paid a total of $400 in application and program fees for a Family Violence Education Program after appearing in court to answer criminal charges.
Ganglani, a former Yale School of Drama student, appeared before state Superior Court Judge Michael Kamp in the Elm Street courthouse in connection with two recent domestic disputes in which police arrested him and his husband, professor Samuel See. In the most recent case, See subsequently died in the police lock-up at 1 Union Ave.; his cause of death has not yet been determined. Local police and the state Judicial Branch, whose marshals supervise the lock-up, are investigating the incident.
“I’m sorry for your loss, sir,” Judge Kamp told Ganglani Wednesday.
Public defender Omar Williams represented Ganglani in court.
Upon completing the program on June 5, Ganglani is to appear again before court. He has not entered a plea at this time.
Police first arrested Ganglani on Sept. 18 for breach of the peace and assault, then again Nov. 23. for violating See’s protective order against him. On Nov. 23, police also arrested See, a 34-year-old assistant English professor at Yale, during the domestic dispute.
Marshals discovered See’s dead body in the lock-up the following morning around 6.
Ganglani, who said he was “devastated” and preferred not to speak to the press, appeared on charges of a violation of a protective order against See and two misdemeanors: third-degree assault and second-degree breach of the peace.