Theatergoers dazed by great drama from the University Theater and distracted students not looking where they’re going will now have a clearer way to cross York Street.
That’s as a result of a vote taken Tuesday night at the regular meeting of the city’s Traffic Commission.
Commissioners accepted a recommendation from city Transportation, Traffic, and Parking Director Doug Hausladen for a midblock crossing between Chapel and Elm that will span York from the theater to Yale’s Library Walk.
In Hausladen’s official memorandum to the commissioners, he wrote that “demand for pedestrian crossing at this location is substantial.”
Safety features designed into the crosswalk are to include curb bump outs and a rectangular rapid flash beacon (RRFB), which is operated by a pedestrian aiming to cross.
The crosswalk is to be located 430 feet north of Chapel Street and on both sides of the walk there will be 60 feet of no parking.
Hausladen likened the future RRFB to the one recently installed on Whitney at Audubon Street.
Commissioner Stephen Garcia wanted to know if the alder had been consulted in the matter and if parking spaces are to be lost.
Hausladen said Alder Sarah Eidelson was in the loop and has approved the effort. Six parking spots will be lost, but the number of handicap spots is to be maintained, Hausladen added.
The commissioners’ vote was unanimous.