Citywide Youth Coalition’s Rachel Hereema sent in this write-up and these photos about a recent Youth Summit.

We served about 200 sandwiches, salads, juice, water, and soda to some hungry young people and their families on Saturday May 24 at Wexler-Grant School for our 3rd annual Youth Summit.

SpeakLife! premiered a play they have been developing this year. This classroom scene showed various students frustrated by the style of instruction, the lack of resources or other students’ behavior. Audience members had a chance to join the performance and resolve the problems.
Middle school students got to pass the microphone and share their concerns and solutions about bullying.

MC Mikaley
High school and college students got some time on stage for spoken word, dance and singing. Powerful words!

When it was time for the younger students, everyone got up on stage to dance and sing!

Coalition members and partners rallied to support the summit. Here are two young women representing both Planned Parenthood and the NAACP Youth Council.

We split up into workshop areas where people could talk and share.

At the end of the day, we were back in the cafeteria with cookies and thank-yous and music — new friends and families together.