Harp 2019
The Harp 2019 mayoral campaign released a new flyer that compares mayoral challenger Justin Elicker and President Donald Trump.
They are both driven by “overconfidence & incompetence,” it asserts, equating Elicker’s call for a $50 million voluntary contribution from Yale with Trump’s promise to build a wall on the southern border and make Mexico pay for it.
Mayor Toni Harp’s reelection campaign distributed the new attack ad Wednesday night at a Democratic mayoral candidate forum at Celentano School on Prospect Hill.
Both Elicker and local Democratic Town Committee Chair Vinnie Mauro criticized the ad as “petty” and unduly divisive. In response, Harp 2019 Campaign Manager Ed Corey doubled down on the ad’s critique of Elicker’s alleged “fantasy budgeting.”
One side of the ad shows Trump shouting into a microphone with the cartoon speech bubble: “I’m going to build a wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it …” An anonymous hand reaches out from the far right of the picture frame, offering Trump a clinking pile of gold coins.
Beneath Trump is a picture of Elicker, a former East Rock/Cedar Hill alder who came in second place behind Harp in the 2013 mayoral race and is running again for the top elected municipal office after spending five years at the head of the New Haven Land Trust.
“When I become mayor,” Elicker’s speech bubble reads, “I’m going to make Yale give the City of New Haven $50 million…” One of the cornerstones of Elicker’s 2019 campaign has been a “Blue New Deal” that calls on the university to increase its annual voluntary contribution to the city from roughly $11.5 million to $50 million to partially balance out its wealth of valuable, tax-exempt property holdings in the city.

Harp 2019
Flip side of flyer.
The back side of the flyer ramps up the Elicker-Trump comparison by having the two politicians positioned on either side of a May 20 New York Times article by Heather Murphy entitled, “Why High-Class People Get Away With Incompetence.”
“What is it about an elite upbringing that seems to make people feel qualified for tasks where they have little experience?” Murphy asks in the op-ed. She then goes on to describe a study published by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that identifies “unmerited overconfidence” as a signature characteristic of people with privileged backgrounds.
“New Haven faces growing racial and economic inequality, double digit property tax increases, lack of job opportunities and insufficient affordable housing,” Elicker said in a statement issued Thursday about the flyer. “In a time with so much hate across our country, printing petty cartoons instead of providing policy solutions for our city is not the kind of leadership we deserve.”
Mauro followed up with a similar reprimand.
“I have no interest in calling balls and strikes on every aspect of this race, positive or negative,” Mauro stated. “However, after seeing and hearing from many members of the NHDTC, this flyer adds little value to the meaningful dialogue that is needed and should be expected in this contest.
“Divisiveness permeates through politics in Washington. It has no place in a Democratic primary of anywhere else in New Haven.”
Corey, Harp’s campaign manager, argued that the ad communicated exactly what the campaign is hoping to communicate.
He called Elicker’s campaign pitch for Yale to up its annual voluntary contributions to the city from $11.5 million to $50 million “extortion” and “fantasy budgeting.”
He said the campaign is decidedly not trying to accuse Elicker of harboring any of the proudly xenophobic ideas central to the Trump presidency, such as the one referenced on the flyer itself.
“We are absolutely, unequivocally not tying him to those racist policies.” Instead, he said, the ad is all about overconfidence. “Overconfident, redmeat campaigning lacks substance,” he said.
He said, if given a second chance, he wouldn’t change a thing about the flyer.
Elicker Thursday used the flyer to boost campaign fundraising. He reproduced the cartoon in an email to supporters with this headline: “Toni Harp is on the attack. Chip in today so we have the resources to respond.”