When we argue about statues and historic monuments, what fundamental questions are we discussing —or not discussing?
CJ Hunt, the actor and comedian from The Daily Show, immersed himself in that subject. He has a new documentary out about it.
He spoke about Thursday with Babz Rawls-Ivy Thursday on WNHH FM’s “LoveBabz LoveTalk” program in advance of a screening of the documentary, Neutral Ground, in advance of a virtual screening and discussion planned this Sunday by Yale’s Schwarzman Center.
Hunt is “still getting over people saying to my face that slavery was not that bad,” Hunt told Rawls-Ivy. “It was not something said to me by people waving Confederate flags … That argument is now in the mouths of lawmakers who in ten states have passed laws that make it illegal” to teach “truths about slavery.”
“Did slavery happen? It’s the low-hanging fruit of any race conversation,” Hunt told Rawls-Ivy. Yet teachers who screen his new film are now at risk of being fired in those states.
“How dishonest we are being about the Robert E. Lees and Jefferson Davises” in public squares, or about Christopher Columbus in the north? Hunt asked.
Meanwhile, “we can name more of Columbus’s ships than abolitionists.”
Click on the video to watch the full discussion with Hunt and filmmaker and Yale Senior Lecturer Thomas Allen Harris on “LoveBabz Love Talk.” Click here to register for the free virtual screening and discussion event taking place Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m.