Thomas Breen Photo
Community gathering last month outside Grand Cafe to protest incidents there.
The police showed up at Fair Haven’s Grand Cafe — not for a nightcap, but for an inspection.
Representatives of the state Liquor Control Commission accompanied the cops to the bar at Grand Avenue and East Pearl Street in the wake of complaints by neighbors about illegal activity there. Neighbors have organized vigils outside the bar to protest activities they say bring down the area; the bar’s owner defends the operation. (Click here and here to read previous stories about that.)
Top Fair Haven cop Lt. Michael Fumiatti said the visit occurred last Friday night. The visitors found four underaged patrons inside, he said.
One of them, a 19-year-old man, also was carrying a loaded Sig Sauer handgun. He was arrested on a charge of possession of a weapon by an underaged individual.
The broader purpose of the stop was to compile information for an upcoming hearing before the state Liquor Control Commission. It will hear two separate requests, one by the Fair Haven neighbors, one by the city police, to reject the bar’s request to have its permit renewed. Police are presenting information from multiple incidents that have occurred there, Fumiatti said.
The license for Grand Cafe permittee Cruz Vazquez expires Nov. 2, according to state records.
A liquor commission spokesperson said she had no comment because it is a pending investigation.

Lt. Fumiatti and Asst. Chief Karl Jacobson supporting neighbors at the protest.