Allan Appel Photo
Harp with CHDC Chair Miguel Castro.
Cheering “Toni, Toni, Toni,” 50 members and supporters of the Connecticut Hispanic Democratic Caucus (CHDC) lent their voices to a formal endorsement of Mayor Toni Harp’s campaign for a fourth two-year term.
A half dozen Latino alders and state legislators, including New Haven State Rep. Juan Candelaria, filled the corner of Grand Avenue and Blatchley in the heart of New Haven’s Fair Haven neighborhood Friday evening for the endorsement event.
The group’s chair, Meriden City Councilman Miguel Castro, delivered the formal endorsement.

CHDC Chair Castro with Frank Alvarado.
“We support candidates who support our demographics and our values,” Castro said. He cited Mayor Harp’s “tireless advocacy” for working people throughout her career. “That’s changed lives for many people.”
Castro cited Harp’s achievements in public education, public safety, and opportunities that attracted national attention.
The goal of the 15-year-old CHDC, which also endorsed Harp two years ago, is to promote Hispanics and minorities to statewide offices as well as local boards and commissions.
Harp faces a Sept. 10 Democratic mayoral primary challenge from Justin Elicker. The CHDC’s board and members interviewed both candidates on Aug. 3.
State Rep. Candelaria, who emceed the event, noted that the endorsement event took place in front of the Columbus Family Academy, a dual language school.
“We know the great work you’ve done,” he declared to Mayor Harp. “And we will not be fooled. We will be with you.”

Elderly Services Director Migdalia Castro; Alders Evelyn Rodriguez and Jose Crespo.
Candelaria said he was responding to impressions being conveyed by the Elicker campaign that the city’s schools are terrible. “We’ve got great schools. That’s the reality,” he said. “Can we make them better? Sure.”
“We will always be the multicultural oasis of Connecticut,” Mayor Harp said in her remarks. “Everyone is welcome here and will be supported here. We will show the state and nation how it’s done.”
After that, there were more huzzahs, in English and Spanish, and as toots came from passing cars.
City Elderly Services Director Migdalia Castro said CHDC would join the regular weekend door-knocking and canvassing crews of the Harp campaign, in which she participates.