Paul Bass Photo
Sharon Lovett-Graff was in Edgewood Park posting emergency information — and wishing she could do it in Arabic.
Anyone out there able to help?
Lovett-Graff recently moved from her post as Westville library branch manager to one of the system’s top positions. In that role she has helped get out information in multiple languages, on paper, online, about where families in need can find donated food, income-tax help, and other assistance during the covid-19 crisis.
She has so far not been able to find anyone who can translate the information into Farsi or Arabic for New Haveners who primarily speak those languages. She’s asking anyone who can help do that to contact her at slovett-graff@nhfpl.org.
Meanwhile, Yale New Haven Hospital is in desperate need for supplies to keep people alive.
Updates: Sharon reports that she received a great response and is no longer looking for translators. However, the hospital remains in great need.
Following is a message with details:
Yale New Haven Health is in need of the following resources:
Disposable Head Covers/Caps
Disposable Gowns
Disposable Gloves
N95 Respirator Face Masks
Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs)
Disposable Face Masks
Disinfection Wipes & Liquids
General Purpose Hand Cleansers
All items should be in original unopened packaging.
Donors should submit donation offers to the Yale New Haven Health System at DonationsPPE@ynhh.org along with complete contact information. All submissions will be answered within three business days.