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Paula Walker (pictured) of Fair Haven Heights recently went out on her own to launch an insurance agency focused on Medicare after working for a brokerage that offered Medicare Plans across the country. She wrote the following article about why.
Why I decided to leave my job to start my own business?
As the Annual Enrollment Period for Medicare looms around the corner, a one-woman face has been constant in my memory: My grandmother Zelpha Ellis. She was compassionate, patient and loving, all the things one would want in a grandmother. It always seems to go back to her.
I have assisted Medicare recipients in 41 states for the past 12 years, and most of the time this question is asked of me: What would you choose for your mother or grandmother? My goal was always to help my clients choose the best possible plan for their needs and finances. I had one of the lowest disenrollment rates when I worked for my former employer. One of the ways I was able to achieve this was to keep a consistent contact with my clients.
The reason I chose to leave my company as a captive agent to start my own business is because of my clients. I suddenly came to the realization that the longer I stayed with my company the more clients I would have to leave behind when the right time came to cut ties with my employer. You see as a captive agent I was not allowed to take my clients with me and I have always had a problem of letting go. It is not easy to let go of the connection that you have cultivated over the years.
When I decided to walk away from my company to go out on my own, I found it daunting at first. I looked to the people around me for resource and support. I turn to my friend from my walking group Melissa Canham-Clyne, Bethany’s town librarian, and my friend Mary Ann Moran of the Kitchen Coach for guidance.
They both pointed me in the direction of the endless amount of resource at the New Haven Public Library. I am honored and fortunate to be a resident of New Haven that offers a lot of great resources to give me opportunities to reach out to my market, Medicare recipients. I registered for the pre-business workshop at SCORE and I am now attending the Small Business Resource Center program that the City of New Haven offers. I was assigned two mentors from Score that are readily available if I have questions. Without these resources I would be so lost starting my business.
I am very grateful to Gina Bingham from the New Haven Library for connecting me with students at Yale University to help me with my website and how to market my services. I am also grateful to Sylvia Cooper at Varick AME Church for allowing me to post my educational seminar on the Varick announcement calendar.
With the support of the New Haven public library, I was able to host Medicare Educational Seminars in various locations. Special thanks to Kirk Morrison at the Fair Haven Branch and Diane Brown at Stetson for allowing me to host at both branches. I also want to thank Marissa Distefano for allowing me to host a Medicare Educational Seminar at Bella Vista on Oct.r 9 from 1 – 3 p.m. I will host these continually through the end of the Annual Enrollment Period. My next event will be at the Fair Haven Library on Oct. 19 from 12:30 – 1:30, followed by Stetson library on Nov. 9 at 12:30 – 1:30. I am currently in talks with the other branches about setting dates and time. The educational events are provided at no cost and free to anyone that would like to attend.
One of the things I picked up after working with Medicare recipients is that most are not sure what Medicare covers. I want to guide them through the process to allow them to make an educated decision. Please feel free to contact me to host a seminar or if you have a general question. My telephone number for contact is 203 – 489-0999 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) .