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Chief Renee Dominguez: Seeking uniform uniform policy.
In the wake of criticism over officers displaying “Thin Blue Line” and “Blue Lives Matter” symbols, Police Chief Renee Dominguez said Wednesday that the department is revisiting its uniform policy.
“We are discussing masks with the department to include masks in our uniform policy and providing uniform masks to officers,” Dominguez told the Independent.
In the meantime, Dominguez has ordered officers not to wear neck gaiters — on which some had been displaying the symbol. Some officers describe the symbol as representing pride in their profession and support for fallen colleagues. Others in the public argue that “thin blue line” has come to symbolize protecting for officers who brutalize people, racism, opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, or participation in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Click here and here to read two previous stories on the subject this week.
Dominguez’s order did not address the “thin blue line.” Rather, she said that when the controversy emerged this week, the department learned that the gaiters and some of the masks being worn by officers to avoid spread of the coronavirus did not comply with the city Health Department’s Covid-19 pandemic order.
Following is the test of the memo Dominguez sent:
Good Afternoon All,
We were sent guidance by the New Haven Health Department on approved masks in December 2020 (see attached). We are out of compliance with certain types of masks being worn. Many wear neck [gaiters], which are on the list of unapproved masks. Attached is the policy from 12/11/20 which states the following on Page 3:
1. All employees are required to wear masks which cover one’s nose and mouth upon entering a City building.
Approved masks are as follows:
• Surgical Masks: These masks are for one-time-use only and can be used in public or the workplace outside the home.
• Fabric Masks: Two-ply cotton or other tightly woven material can be used for cloth masks. These masks are reusable and should be washed after each use.
Unapproved masks are as follows:
• Bandanas, neck [gaiters] and masks with valves.
Surgical masks and N95 masks are at the patrol window if you need a mask. Effective immediately neck [gaiter] style masks are no longer allowed to be worn while working.
If you are unsure if a mask is allowed, please ask you rsupervisor.
Acting Chief Renee Domingue
1 Union Avenue
New Haven, CT 06519
Note: A previous version of this article misspelled “gaiters.” A reader alerted us to the error.