Avshalom-Smith making his campaign pitch to Sheila Harris and Evette Brown.

More speed bumps. Cleaner streets. And a safe space for children to play without the threat of violence.
Newhallville alder hopeful Devin Avshalom-Smith heard those quality-of-life calls Wednesday as he and campaign supporters collected signatures in a bid to petition his way onto the Democratic primary ballot.
Avshalom-Smith, a 32-year-old state legislative aide and Newhallville community organizer, is one of three candidates vying to replace recently-resigned Newhallville Alder Delphine Clyburn.
Long-time local labor activist and Newhallville community stalwart Shirley Lawrence won the Democratic Town Committee’s endorsement for the Ward 20 alder nomination at Tuesday night’s convention. That means her name will be at the top of the Democratic primary ballot for the seat on Sept. 14.
Avshalom-Smith and fellow alder hopeful Addie Kimbrough have said they plan on petitioning their ways onto that primary ballot by collecting the 72 signatures needed to quality (which is 5 percent of registered Democrats in the ward.)
Click here to read more about the three-way race.
Avshalom-Smith and team of volunteers at Lincoln-Bassett.
On Wednesday, Avshalom-Smith and a group of 10 volunteers — 11 if you count 3‑year-old Kali Elijah Chambers — set off on foot through the neighborhood to start gathering signatures, and to hear directly from neighbors about what would make for a safer, healthier, and happier Newhallville.
Avshalom-Smith said that as a contender for the Ward 20 alder seat, his role is to listen to neighbors’ concerns and put their hopes into action.
“My name is Devin. I’m running for Ward 20 and I’m trying to get enough signatures to be part of the ballot,” he said after knocking on each door around the Newhallville neighborhood.
Oneita Rudolph collects a campaign flyer from Avshalom-Smith.
On Wednesday, he received around 80 signatures — more than enough to qualify for the September primary. He’s planning to reach the 100 mark on Friday so that the show of support is clear.
“If you took 20 odd residents from the street, I would probably have more supporters,” said Avshalom-Smith.
Avshalom-Smith and his supporters gathered at Lincoln Bassett Community School Wednesday before setting off into the neighborhood to collect petition signatures.
Nina and her son Kyle Fawcett, with Avshalom-Smith (center).
“Devin is smart, he’s articulate, he listens and he considers before he gets an opinion,” said volunteer and nine-year Newhallville resident Nina Fawcett. “That’s what we need in Newhallville.”
Fawcett was a member of the Newhallville Community Management Team for six years. During that time, she recognized that what the neighborhood needs is clear and concise communication so that residents can easily express their needs.
Kim Harris, Avshalom-Smith, Carlota Clark, and Elizabeth Knight.
Three members of the Newhallville Community Management Team, including chair Kim Harris, Treasurer Carlota Clark, and secretary Elizabeth Knight also helped get signatures. The management team said they endorsed Avshalom-Smith because he represents the needs of the community.
“Our connection with Devin was solidified during the pandemic,” said Harris. “We distributed a quarter of a million meals out into Newhallville and he was a part of that.”
Ward 19 Democratic Ward Committee Co-Chair Claudine Wilkins-Chambers brought her son, Kali, to door knock with her for Avshalom-Smith. Kali is part of her motivation for supporting Avshalom-Smith — who she thinks places heavy emphasis on the needs of young people.
Claudine Wilkins-Chambers (right) and Kali Elijah Chambers.
“I’m hoping Kali will be able to play in this playground safely and without the fear of gun violence,” said Wilkins-Chambers. “I would also love to see enough social workers and nurses for every school in the district – without them having to share.”
Jeanette Sykes, another volunteer from Newhallville and management team regular, was proud of Avshalom-Smith’s efforts to support those on the other end of the age spectrum. She said his goal of streamlining support services for the elderly reveals his dedication to the needs of all his potential constituents.
“He’s a young man with an old soul,” Sykes said of Avshalom-Smith. “He brings youthfulness and intergenerational connections.”
Jeanette Sykes.
Sykes hopes that Avshalom-Smith’s approach will bring more young investors into the community. As the leader of “The Perfect Blend”, a nonprofit youth leadership program, she thinks he will unite leaders together under a common goal.
That was a common point raised by several of the residents who Avshalom-Smith acquired signatures from as well:
Avshalom-Smith making his campaign pitch to Sheila Harris and Evette Brown.
“He’s energetic and he’s relatable even though he’s young,” said Sheila Harris, who lives on Shelton Avenue and signed the petition. “He’s a positive role model for the young people so we’re rooting for him.”
Both Harris and Evette Brown expressed the need for speed bumps and a stop sign on Shelton Avenue to prevent the accidents that happen frequently there.
Oneita Rudolph was sitting on her porch when Avshalom-Smith approached her with his petition. She has lived in Newhallville since the 1970s and signed the petition in hopes that Avshalom-Smith would reduce the number of shootings in the area and organize neighborhood clean-ups.
In response to hearing that there are multiple people vying for the Ward 20 seat, Rudolph responded simply: “It’s okay with me that there’s competition — as long as they all make things better.”