There was some action today in the prison complex, as there was a lockdown at the medium-security prison next door.
Not sure why. But rumors are flying around that an inmate overdosed on drugs. Another rumor was that an inmate died. Another rumor was that an inmate ingested some hallucinogenic plant that was grown on the prison grounds.
Regardless of what really happened, the Blue Boyz in the camp were looking for inmates to do the food preparation at the medium. There were no inmates to cook at the medium, as they were all locked in their cells.
The Blue Boyz looked for volunteers but then just recruited random inmates. They came to the warehouse and told one of the young guys that he had to go next door.
This particular young man got a bit nervous and played the Jew card, looking up in the sky claiming that he couldn’t touch non-kosher food, and he didn’t know how to cook or prepare food, as he never did such a thing on the outside. I guess he always ate at fancy New York restaurants.
The Blue Boyz said, “Too bad. The Spanish drug dealer at the warehouse will go with you to train you and protect you in the Big House.”
So the young man went next door with the drug dealer and found himself cooking side by side with all the top-level officers from the prison complex. He had a good time making peanut butter sandwiches. He said he really appreciated being in the camp after seeing what it was like in a real prison …
They’re Just Onions
Some inmates here go crazy and try to impress the Blue Boyz with their skills at mopping the floors or peeling potatoes.
I guess white-collar guys are naturally competitive. Some of them will even put down other inmates in front of the Blue Boyz.
Please, give me a break guys — chopping onions does not require much skill. And I am sure the Blue Boyz could care less whether your onion is chopped up better than another inmate’s onion …
The “Go Bag”
I was talking to a worldly Jewish inmate. He’s not really that religious but he did study to become a rabbi some years ago, who had a factory in Asia, and did a lot of traveling around the world.
At one point he went to a Buddhist temple, shaved his head and learned meditation for several weeks. The feds locked him up for a while and had him placed on home confinement while his case was pending because they thought he was a flight risk, even though he had a wife and children living in New York. After his indictment his wife left him and denied him visitation with his kids. He is still fighting to see his kids. When his wife left, his kids were still young. So when he would call to speak to the kids, his wife told his kids he didn’t like to be called “dad” — he preferred to be called “refuse.” The kids didn’t know any better and started calling him “refuse.” Sad story.
After doing divorce work for 20 years I thought I had seen it all, but this one takes the cake.
In any event we were talking about the Rubashkin case, the man who had the biggest kosher meat processing plants in the U.S. Rubashkin got sentenced to 27 years and is next door in the medium. I told this inmate that I read that Rubashkin had a suitcase, cash and passports ready to go when he got caught. What’s up with that?
He nonchalantly said that was his “go bag.” He said he keeps one himself, in case he needs to leave the country quickly on business, for war, or other events where he has get out of the country fast.
I wanted to say, “Like when FBI agents are looking for you?” But I didn’t; this guy is too nice for me to humiliate. There are other guys in here who, well … let’s just say that some guys deserve it.
In any event, this inmate said Rubashkin had passports for his entire family, a suitcase and $800,000 in cash, which he said is rather small considering that Rubashkin had a $250 million business.
The older, sophisticated Jewish Manhattanite inmate with the big tortoise shell glasses and cane, who lived on Central Park West, said he never had a “go bag.” And it never occurred to him that a war would break out on the Upper West Side.
New Haven attorney Lawrence Dressler is currently serving a 20-month sentence in an out-of-state federal minimum-security prison for his part in a mortgage-fraud ring.
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