Britton Bragg brought his “boys” to the Boulevard not to beat a rap, but to bring a beat … and a rap.
Britton — aka “Braggin Rights” — brought the crew to the corner of Whalley and Ella Grasso Boulevard Sunday afternoon to shoot a video of his new recording, “Blvd Boys.”

Paul Bass Photo
“I was in jail when I came up with the name,” said Britton (pictured), who is 24 and grew up in the Tre. “I came home from jail, trying to do something positive with myself.” Britton pleaded guilty to four counts of first-degree robbery and firearms violations in connection with a 2009 incident. He got out of jail within the past month. And he got busy.

Britton recorded the song at West Haven’s Horizon Studio on Campbell Avenue. Then he enlisted a crew of friends to join him outside Crown Fried Chicken to shoot multiple takes for the video. They plastered poles with Blvd Boys stickers and brought the corner alive with swaying, music, and lots of between-cuts laughter. Click on the play arrow at the top of the story to join them during the shoot and check out the song.

Buddah (pictured), CEO of Global Studioz/ Global Entertainment, handled the camera work and directed the action. The recording blared from the sound system in a parked Range Rover Sport as Britton and his crew mixed it up in various settings. Britton rapped: “You know they working with the feds nigger/ Cooperating just to put your in the /I’m living life on the edge nigger/ Eyes closed both feet on the ledge.”

The Blvd “Boys” included several young women. After a crowded shot on the sidewalk in front of Crown Fried Chicken, Buddah directed “Tyshell” and “Sunshine” closer to the corner to pose alongside Britton for a take facing the street.

“You look scary with that mask on!” one of the women told Britton’s sidekick, who kept his face covered. He pointed to his and Britton’s ankles for an explanation. “We’ve got matching [electronic monitoring] bracelets on,” he said. “I really shouldn’t be here.”

The crew filtered inside Crown for another take, and spirits rose. Britton, his masked sidekick, and a few others ramped up the energy as Buddah pressed in close with the camera and several others took seats at a nearby table.
The Boys said they expect to back up the recording and video with a live performance within a month or so “downtown,” perhaps at Toad’s. In the meantime, Britton said, “Hit me on Twitter @TheLEADER__203.”