These guns aren’t “real.” They pose a real danger.
A spate of gun sightings in town this week involved b.b. guns and paintball guns — but they produced real injuries and are creating a potentially dangerous situation.
So warned the police department in a press release issued Friday.
The release stated that the cops are trying to track down members of different Hill and Newhallville neighborhood groups who are believed to be attacking each other with the facsimile weapons.
About a dozen calls involving reports of real guns that turned out to be bbs or paintball guns came in this weeks; Thursday evening a 10-year-old girl was shot in the head with a bb gun in Newhallville.
These incidents quickly escalate, according to the release, which described one “dramatic situation where officers used great restraint when aiming their weapons at an “armed teenager”, despite an angry crowd that encircled the officer’s patrol car once it was learned the gun wasn’t real.”
“These groups are targeting rivals in neighborhoods such as the Hill and Newhallville,” Intel Division supervisor Karl Jacobson was quoted in the release as saying. “This has got to stop before someone is seriously hurt or worse”,
The police released the above photo of the real-looking weapons. They ask people with information about the incidents to