Emily Hays Photos
Board member Darnell Goldson: Mayor should return to donors any funds raised on this incident.

Paul Bass Photo
Elicker: My opponent started it.
Two Board of Education members blasted Mayor Justin Elicker for sending a campaign fundraising email claiming a slur-uttering principal’s demotion as a victory for “accountability” and “transparency” — while withholding information about what really happened in the incident behind it.
Elicker responded that he is pushing behind the scenes for public release of the full investigatory report leading to the demotion.
The board members, Tamiko Jackson-McArthur and Darnell Goldson. joined New Haven clergy in front of New Haven Public Schools headquarters Thursday afternoon at a press conference to denounce the lack of transparency in the situation thus far. Activist Rodney Williams and West Rock Alder Honda Smith also spoke at the conference.
It was the latest chapter in a week-long saga that began with the demotion, over the principal’s use of the “n” word. Thursday also saw the second Black Lives Matter gathering held to denounced the Board of Education’s handling of the incident.
People citywide have been debating the incident without access to what really happened — which is the point the board members made about seeking release of the investigatory report.
Further enflaming the debate was Elicker’s invocation of the incident to raise money for his current reelection campaign — again without disclosing details of the incident he was taking credit for handling well.

Thomas Breen Photo
DuBois-Walton at Tuesday presser: Mayor’s not being transparent.

The furor began Monday night at a Board of Education meeting, when a 4 – 3 Board of Education vote took place to demote the principal, Laura Roblee, of Brennan-Rogers Magnet School, and reassign her to an as-yet unnamed new school.
Roblee allegedly used the full “n‑word” in a conversation with subordinates, comparing the phrase “white privilege” to the racial slur.
The district put her on leave in late March while the human resources department conducted an investigation.
Emily Hays Photo
Board member Tamiko Jackson-McArthur: Taken aback by email.
On Monday, night Superintendent Iline Tracey requested that the Board of Education demote Roblee to an assistant principal role at $137,099, based on Roblee’s 20 years of experience. After a two-hour, closed-door executive session, Elicker (who sits on the ed board) and three other board members voted for this reassignment, while Goldson, Jackson-McArthur and Larry Conaway voted no. Goldson and Jackson-McArthur asked the board to delay a vote until they received a full written investigation and saw an apology and restoration process from Roblee.
The vote has prompted multiple protests and press conferences criticizing a lack of transparency and accountability. Mayoral election challenger, Karen DuBois-Walton, held a press conference as well, on Tuesday, about how little Elicker said in public to explain his vote. (Read about what DuBois-Walton said here.)
“I would like to know how much he made off that fundraising email,” Goldson said of Elicker at Thursday’s press conference. “He says these things are Dr. Tracey’s decision, but he’s the one announcing them all the time.”
Goldson also suggested that Elicker return whatever money the email raised to the donors.
Elicker said he sent the campaign email in response to DuBois-Walton’s criticism. He declined to say how much money the email made, saying the next election finances report will be public.
“I sent out the email because my opponent was politicizing the vote that I took to hold Ms. Roblee accountable. It was a direct response to an attack launched by my opponent,” Elicker said.
Elicker said he is firmly on the side of releasing the investigation and does not know what is causing the delay.
“I’ve made it clear how I feel to Dr. Tracey. She’ll release the report by Monday at the latest,” Elicker said.
According to Elicker, Tracey plans to station Roblee at central office rather than a school for the next period of time.
Neither Goldson nor Jackson-McArthur had heard about this plan before Thursday.
Goldson said inaccuracy in Elicker’s email was why it was politicization and DuBois-Walton’s press conference was not.
Earlier on Thursday, Black Lives Matter New Haven held a second protest outside NHPS’ 54 Meadow St. offices. The first occurred on Monday. Elicker attended to listen to the protest. (Read more about that protest in the Arts Paper here.)
“The Buck Stops Here”
Read Elicker’s campaign email below. Scroll to the bottom to watch the full speeches by the clergy and board members.
Once again, my opponent is attacking me for making the right decision, and I need your help to ensure we have the funding needed to push back and keep our city moving forward.
Chip in $10 right now.
We cannot afford to go back to a time when New Haven was mismanaged and dysfunctional. When I ran for mayor, I said the buck stops with me.
That’s true for the Board of Education too. Last night, I voted to accept our Superintendent’s recommendation to demote a principal for using a racial slur. That behavior is not acceptable and doesn’t reflect the values of the city or of New Haven Public Schools. I was joined by Board President Yesenia Rivera, Dr. Ed Joyner, and member Matthew Wilcox, and together we delivered accountability.
Integrity, accountability, and transparency are the hallmarks of my Administration. All city employees will be held accountable for their actions. That’s what it will take to continue moving our city forward.
As someone who has a child enrolled in New Haven public schools and another whose first day of school is approaching faster than her parents can imagine, ensuring our district centers equity and reflects our communities values is critical to me.
As your Mayor, and as a New Haven Public Schools parent, I’ll continue to stand up and ensure that our students have the resources needed to succeed and that our schools reflect our communities values. And, when a tough decision needs to be made to uphold those values — I’ll make it.
If you believe this is the kind of leadership our city needs, I ask you to reject my opponent’s misleading attacks and join our campaign tonight for a better New Haven for all — no matter what neighborhood you come from.
Join me right now and stand up for accountability in government. Do your part by contributing to our campaign.
It just takes $10 to fight back.