Contributed Photo
Homeless encampment by Merritt Parkway on west side of town.
A plan to finish clearing out New Haven homeless shelters by renting hotel rooms to curb the spread of Covid-19 fell apart after West Haven demanded over $4,000 a day for police protection.
Meanwhile, the number of Covid-related deaths in New Haven rose by two to 11.
Those were among the latest local developments Monday in the pandemic.
The total number of confirmed New Haven cases rose to 336, as the spread of the infection in town picks up. The two latest people to die were in their late 50s and mid 80s, according to city Health Director Maritza Bond.
Meanwhile, New Haven and the state have gradually been moving homeless out of local shelters to hotel rooms because of the risk posed to both homeless guests and shelter employees by cramming people into confined spaces where “social distancing” is near impossible.
Columbus House has already been cleared out under that plan.
The state had reached a deal with Best Western of West Haven to rent 90 rooms on behalf of homeless people starting Monday. That would have covered the last 80 or so people staying at the Grand Avenue shelter and a Winthrop Avenue warming center as well as another up to 60 people currently on the streets looking for safe lodging, according to New Haven Community Services Administrator Mehul Dalal. Some people who show no signs of having contracted the coronavirus could safely double up, while others would have their own rooms.
This plan is separate from plans to house homeless people who have contracted Covid-19, but don’t require hospitalization, in a soon-to-open emergency facility at Career Regional High School.
Officials said they’re working on finding another hotel for the remaining noninfected homeless population, or perhaps a way to resuscitate the Best Western deal.
“I’m not really sure what’s going on at this point,” said Best Western Manager Eileen Poisson, who was looking for more clarity Monday evening.
The deal fell apart after West Haven Police Chief Joseph S. Perno wrote a letter requiring Best Western to pony up for extra-duty cops.
In order “to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those housed” at the 490 Saw Mill Rd. hotel, Perno wrote, Best Western would have to hire two officers 24 hours a day “while this housing is in effect.” After consulting with the city’s finance department, he wrote, he set the following prices:
• $61.92 per hour per cop, for a total of $2,972.15 per day.
• $24 per hour for the required use of a police vehicle as part of the assignment, or $600 a day.
• $606 per day for officer benefits.
• Plus an 18 percent administrative fee on that $4,178.16. That brings the total daily cost to $4,930.23.
No other community has apparently made a similar request to the state in its deals with other hotels to house homeless people during the Covid-19 crisis.
Perno and Mayor Nancy Rossi did not return requests for comment for this story. (On Tuesday, West Haven’s corporation counsel wrote this article detailing West Haven’s side of the story.)
Former Columbus House Executive Director Alison Cunningham, who’s helping the city address the Covid-19 homeless challenges, said time is of the essence.
“It’s a huge public health issue,” she said. “People have to congregate in shower facilities and eating facilities [at shelters]. To create social distancing in cramped quarters — it’s nearly impossible to do.”
“Thank goodness that we started early to decompress our shelters,” Cunningham said. “We are so much farther along than most states. We should be grateful to city and state leadership.”
Markets Inspected

Maya McFadden Photo
Customers outside of Ferraro’s, which passed inspection.
Who is that masked alder? Steve Winter distributed this photo of himself to encourage constituents to wear masks in public.
The city health department Monday began inspecting local food markets to enforce rules on keeping customers six feet apart (inside and outside), limiting aisle traffic to one-way, and when possible shielding cashiers from customers.
No citations were issued, according to Health Director Bond.
One stop was at Ferraro’s Market on Grand Avenue, a smaller supermarket that has been crowded in recent weeks.
Market General Manager Al Lauro told the Independent that plexiglass was installed Monday to protect cashiers.
“We’re doing pretty well. We’re letting 30 in a time. We’re having employees reminding customers about the six-foot distance” both inside and outside, Lauro said.
The task is challenging, he said: “We’re not a very large store.” And the other day, “the rain didn’t help” with keeping people spread apart outside.”
Bond said her department will continue following up on complaints.
Other Updates

Also Monday:
• Gov. Ned Lamont announced that the I‑95 Pearl Harbor Memorial (aka “Q”) Bridge will be lit up red starting tonight “to honor the thousands of Connecticut health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
• The city health department has worked with SeeClickFix to launch this dedicated portal (pictured) for Covid-19 help or complaints, like about public gatherings or stores violating emergency closure or social-distancing rules.