Magnet Schools
Attract Mobile Families

Neena Satija Photo

Kelli-Ann Lowenadler and N’Zinga Shani.

For a mobile family like Kelli-Ann Lowenadler’s, an inter-district school in New Haven like Davis was the perfect choice.

After she moved from New Haven and then within Hamden, Lowenadler’s kids had to change schools twice. Now that they’re at Davis — an inter-district magnet school with slots dedicated to suburban kids — at least her kids can stay put if the family moves again.

That’s not the only reason Lowenadler chose Davis for her three kids.

I wanted a diverse school for my children,” she told N’Zinga Shani during a taping of OneWorld Progressive’s Education Agenda” on CTV. Lowenadler’s children are biracial. Plus, she said, the staff knows you personally.” She said teachers approached her on the second day of her son’s school year to talk about how to better deal with her son’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Now, her son is getting extra help.

Shani’s program walked viewers through the magnet application process and some of the philosophy behind that process.

In the first half of the program, Shani spoke with Lowenadler and Robert Canelli, New Haven’s magnet school supervisor, about the different choices of magnet schools offered in New Haven. The district holds two fairs showcasing all the magnet schools in January, and the application process for the lottery begins in March. The lottery, which is done by a contractor, is based on applicants’ first, second, and third choices, as well as sibling and neighborhood preference.

There are the 17 inter-district schools that have slots for suburban kids and 3 intra-district schools reserved for New Haveners. Project Choice lets students in New Haven apply to go to suburban schools. Wintergreen in Hamden, for instance, has slots for New Haven students. And then there are lighthouse schools” to which high-performing students in the lowest-performing New Haven schools may apply.

The lesson for parents who want their kids in magnet schools, Shani said, is Do not give up. Don’t take no’ for an answer.”

Still, the lottery process is a long shot. There were more than 8,000 applications for spots in New Haven’s magnet schools last year, Canelli said. Parents in town are frustrated at the slots that go to students in the suburbs, while the school district points out they get more money for each kid who comes from out of town.

There’s always going to be an appeals process. Sometimes parents cry,” Canelli said. Appeals go to Superintendent of Schools Reggie Mayo.

Medria Blue-Ellis shows off her school’s 6th- and 8th-grade science projects.

In the second half of the show, principals spoke from three magnet schools—the Sound School, Brennan-Rogers Arts Communication and Magnet, and the Engineering and Science University Magnet School.

The program will air on Citizens TV in January. (Check the NHI’s Community Calendar for an exact date). It will air on AT&T U-verse (Channel 99 Public Access Channels) and on Comcast Chan. 18, starting Jan. 8, 2012, and will be seen at various times at least four times weekly.

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