Stephen Kobasa photograph
Studio of Louis Comfort Tiffany, stained glass, 1895
Somewhere in New Haven
A last lesson…in this form, at least.
This was a reminder to me that there is always something else worth seeing in this city. I thought I knew where all the Tiffany glass was in New Haven, until I was let into the dusty room where the light was pouring through this window. Not wanting it to become as vulnerable as some companion pieces in the same location have already proven to be, I will not say where it is. Rather, I offer it as additional evidence of the hidden consolations that remain here around us, if only we stop and look.
Rather than reaching a point where I might regret not having concluded the series sooner, I have decided to bring it to a close while it is still a pleasure, and before it becomes either too precious or contrived (although some might suggest that it has already edged over both those boundaries on occasion). My thanks to Melissa Bailey, Allan Appel and Thomas MacMillan for their encouragement along the way, to all those who have found the series worth reading, and most especially to Paul Bass, not only for his willingness to offer “Object Lessons” a venue, but also for agreeing to support my new project at the New Haven Independent.
Beginning in July, I will contribute a twice monthly column entitled “Look Here: New Work by Nearby Artists.” Each piece will focus on the work of a local artist who deserves attention in a city where the unnervingly few galleries we have cannot possibly show everything which should be shown. And acquired.
Think of it as my response to a certain annual event about which I previously announced in another publication that I would not write one further word. Let me say only that if people are committed to becoming patrons of the artists of our community, then they must give evidence of that on more than one or two weekends of institutionalized exhibition every year.
See previous Object Lessons here.