When narcotics cops closed in on a Newhallville home Tuesday, they found 266 bags of heroin and made several arrests, according to police.
Here’s what happened, according to police spokesman Officer Joe Avery:
As part of an investigation of crack sales at a West Ivy Street address, the narc squad raided the house on Tuesday at 1:45 p.m. When they arrived, police spotted two men in a rental car outside the Newhallville home. They suspected the men were in the middle of a drug deal. One man had four bags of heroin, the other had 11 bags of crack and 53 bags of heroin, according to police. Inside the house, police detained several children and two adults in a second-floor apartment. A woman was also arrested at the scene. Police found Oxycodone pills on her.
A search of the apartment found heroin, crack, marijuana, packaging material, scales, grinders, strainers, cutting agents, elastic bands, a heat sealer, razor blades, and other paraphernalia. The evidence indicates that the apartment was used as a “high level drug factory” where crack and heroin and marijuana were made and packaged for sale. Narc squad detectives seized 266 bags of heroin, 612 grams of marijuana, one ounce of crack, six ounces of uncut heroin, 13 oxycotin pills, and $3,202 in cash. The seized narcotics were valued at over $200,000.
In other police news, according to Avery:
At 11:47 p.m. on Tuesday, Officers Gartner and DeFonzo saw a 20-year-old man loitering on Franklin Street. As they approached, the man swung at them and fled. A short foot chase ensued. Officer Gartner used his Taser, and the cops made the arrest. The man had 79 bags of crack on him.
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