Twenty-nine percent of New Haven’s 45,449 registered Democrats turned out to vote for mayor in Tuesday’s party primary.
The turnout varied in large part by whether or not a ward had an aldermanic primary in addition to the mayoral primary. Sixteen of the city’s 30 wards had aldermanic primaries. With a few exceptions (such as West Rock/West Hills’ Ward 30 and Newhallville’s Ward 21), those wards had the higher turnout for the mayoral primary.
Westville’s Ward 25 had the highest turnout, at 53 percent. Next came Morris Cove’s Ward 18 with 45 percent, and Beaver Hills’ Ward 29 and East Rock’s Ward 9 with 44 percent each.
Click here for the official voting results released Wednesday by the Registrar of Voters Office. The first page, for the mayoral primary, breaks down votes by ward; by machine, absentee ballot, and hand count; and by percentage of eligible voters. It shows DeStefano winning 5,716 votes, or 44.3 percent; Jeffrey Kerekes 2,895 votes or 22.4 percent; Clifton Graves 2,255 votes or 17.5 percent; and Anthony Dawson 2,032 votes or 15.7 percent.
The second page concerns the aldermanic primaries. Union-backed candidates won 14 of 15 primaries in which they faced City Hall-backed candidates. In the 16th race, City Hall-backed challenger Carlton Staggers defeated administration critic Darnell Goldson, an incumbent unaffiliated with either citywide slate.