John Jairo Lugo (pictured) pitched a Community Mediation program to put peer mediators in every New Haven school. And a representative of Youth@Work pitched the benefits of its Open Schools program.
The pitch was made to two dozen residents at Newhallville’s management team meeting Tuesday night.
Lugo asked for a support letter from the management team for a grant proposal he’s writing. He noted that in the past year Community Mediation has mediated 32 disputes just in Newhallville. He added, “We want to train more mediators. We want two people from this management team to be our representatives.”
Another speaker at the meeting was from Youth@Work’s Open Schools program. She said the program was so successful operating over the summer, offering tutoring, sports and arts and crafts to youth that it’s continuing during the school year at Beecher, Ross Woodward, Sheridan and the nearby Celentano School. Every weekday, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. neighborhood kids can come to the school as an alternative to hanging on the streets or staying home, in many cases, without adult supervision.
After she spoke, neighborhood alderwoman Alfreda Edwards urged everyone to talk up the program, saying many people worked hard to get it at Celentano.