(Board of Alders Notice New Haven) The Education Committee of the Board of Alders will meet “in‐person” on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Alders Chamber located at 165 Church Street, 2nd Floor; New Haven, CT to hold the following workshops:
‐‐ A Workshop of the New Haven Board of Alders with the New Haven Public Schools to review how ESSER funding has been spent to date including how much funding is left and what plans are to spend the remaining funds; and
‐‐ A Workshop of the New Haven Board of Alders with the New Haven Public Schools regarding an update on facilities maintenance and plans to improve the conditions of school buildings.
Per Order: Hon. Eli Sabin, Chair;
Attest: Hon. Michael Smart, City/Town Clerk
These items are on file and available in the Office of the City Clerk, Room 202 at 200 Orange Street; New Haven, CT 06510.
For accessibility related accommodations, please call (203) 946 7651 (V) or (203) 946 8582 (TTY/TDD).
Public comment/testimony may also be submitted via email to publictestimony@newhavenct.gov before 2:00 pm on the day of the meeting.
This meeting may be viewed on the New Haven Board of Alders YouTube page.