In accordance with Article IV section 3 (a) and Article V section 1 (d) of the City Charter, 2013 revised, notice is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:
WHEREAS: on June 11, 2018 the Mayor authorized salary adjustment for certain executive management and confidential employees retroactive to July 1, 2017; and
WHEREAS: this action was taken without consultation with, communication to or action by the Board of Alders as required by local and state law; and
WHEREAS: as a result of this action the Mayor transferred funds without Board of Alders approval from the contract reserve line to individual salary line items in various departments; and
WHEREAS: also as a result of this action salary appropriations were changed for the 2017 – 18 budget and the 2018 – 19 budget; and
WHEREAS: state statutes and local ordinances require Board of Alders action for these amendments.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERS THAT the budget of each department the Mayor authorized a salary adjustment for certain executive management and confidential employees be reduced by the same amount of that adjustment including the retroactive pay.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERS THAT the appropriate city staff present to the board of alders the rationale for each of the salary adjustments.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that per the attached, that the budgets of the listed departments be reduced as shown, for a sum total of $483,172 dollars, the amount granted in unauthorized salary adjustments, and that the sum total be used for mill rate reduction and transferred into the Mill Rate Reduction line.
BE IT ALSO FURTHER ORDAINED that a new revenue line be created titled Mill Rate Reduction for all funds that are to be used for mill rate reduction. Use of any funds from said line shall require approval by the Board of Alders.
Said ordinance are on file in the City Clerk’s Office, Room 204, Kennedy Mitchell Hall of Records, 200 Orange St., where it may be inspected or copies applied for and reference thereto is hereby made a part of this notice.
The aforementioned ordinance was enacted by the Board of Alders on September 4, 2018 by a vote of 0 yeas and 0 nays.
For the Ordinance endorsed that it was returned with no action by Mayor and therefore this Ordinance is operative and effectual upon publication Pursuant to City Charter Article III Section 2B
Said ordinances will become operative and in effect on October 8, 2018.
Michael B. Smart, City Clerk