333 Valley Street An Intergenerational Organization, Inc, New Haven, Connecticut – Legal Notice Invitation to Bid.
LEGAL NOTICE NOTIFICATION TO BID. 333 Valley Street An Intergenerational Organization, Inc, New Haven is requesting licensed and insured contractors to provide bids for their property located at 333 Valley St, New Haven for the project known as 333 Valley Street Rehabilitation. The Scope of Work includes construction of music studio, fit out of interior space and exterior repairs. You may obtain a set of bid documents at (333theshack.com) The project is funded by the State of Connecticut’s Urban Act Grant. Project is tax exempt, and the State of Connecticut’s prevailing wage rates apply. The selected company and subcontractors must comply with EEOC workforce requirements and the City of New Haven Chapter 12 ¼ and 12 ½ of the New Haven Code of Ordinances (MBE Subcontracting) applies-Minority/woman’s business enterprises are encouraged to apply. A bidding and mandatory site walkthrough meeting will be held on. August 23, 2024, at 10a.m. 333 Valley Street, New Haven, Ct. 06515. All bids are due by September 13, 2024, by 5p.m. All bids and questions should be submitted in writing to Honda Smith @ 333theshack@gmail.com via email or delivered to 333 Valley Street, New Haven 06515, Mark Wilson at Mwilson@newhavenct.gov and Craigwhite7222@gmail.com
“An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority/Woman’s Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply. This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements.”