ATTENTION DOG OWNERS: Dog license renewals are due by June 30th . Dog licenses for 2019 – 2020 are due by June 30th to comply with state statutes. State requires licensing for any dogs older than 6 months; dogs must have current rabies vaccination and license by July 1st of each year. For all newly licensed dogs, certificates proving the dog has been altered should be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office. An owner of an unlicensed dog is subject to penalty of $1.00 per month beginning July 1st . Fees are $19.00 for non-neutered or non-spayed dog, and $8.00 for a neutered or spayed dog. To license your dog please visit Hall of Records, City Clerk’s Office, 200 Orange Street, Room 202, New Haven, CT 06510.
Michael B. Smart
City Clerk, City of New Haven