Markeshia Photos

When U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro arrived at Park Ridge Apartments at 40 Austin St.Tuesday afternoon, she met a packed room of nearly 200 with the gusto and ease of someone who wins elections, and knows that every interaction counts.
DeLauro showed up to help fellow Democrats like Gov. Dannel Malloy rally the seniors who live there to vote on Nov. 4.
Starting from the back of the room she shook plenty of hands, gave lots of hugs, posed for pictures and kissed more than one cheek. If you took your eye off her for a second, you lost sight of her, because she was in another part of the room having an animated conversation with someone.
Introducing DeLauro to the crowded room, State Sen. Gary Holder-Winfield remarked that he often wonders how she has the energy to do what she does.
And what she did Tuesday was warm up the room and set the tone for Malloy, who is in a tight race with Republican challenger Thomas Foley and needs the mostly Democrat-affiliated voters of New Haven to get to the polls in the worst way.
DeLauro reminded the attendees that they were the “great generation” whose members had sacrificed so much so that their children could have a better life, so they deserve to live out the rest of their years with dignity, respect and independence.
She also reminded them that Democrats had not forgotten that the very people in the room had put them in office to protect those values.
“Your support allows us to serve in these jobs,” she said. “We don’t get here without your support.”
With the undertones of a passionate preacher, she reminded attendees that Malloy had inherited one of the worst deficits in the nation when he took office and not only worked to put the state back in the black, but created a surplus and a rainy day fund. She also reminded them that under Malloy’s leadership crime in the state is down and minimum wage is up.
And in a drop-the-mic moment she introduced Malloy as “governor today, governor tomorrow, governor on Nov. 5.”
Malloy, who had come in a little later than DeLauro, and mingled a little less and lot more quickly than the congresswoman, clearly had caught the fire.
He touted the fact that under his administration the state created a Department of Aging. He shared his desire to expand the circuit breaker program. He also told the crowd that more of their grandchildren are graduating from high school than they were before he took office and that more people are working because of the jobs he has created in the state.
“You are our people,” Malloy said. “We care about you.”
Malloy asked the seniors for their help, their prayers and most importantly their votes.
“Let’s get this thing done,” he said. “Let’s win.”
Lifelong New Havener and retired Yale-New Haven Hospital nurse Margo Johnson-Taylor said she has never missed an election and the 75-year-old doesn’t plan to miss this one. She said wishes others valued voting as much as she does.
“With this being a mid-term election there is a lot of apathy out there,” she said. “We’ve got to overcome that.”
Timothy McKiver Sr., who also lives Park Ridge, said he was impressed with what the candidates had to say and thought they had a good handle on the issues that seniors care about, particularly when it comes to helping people remain in their homes for as long as they like.
Audrey Tyson, organizer of the event, said seniors showed that they don’t plan to take the upcoming election lightly.
“I really didn’t expect this many people,” she said. “I’m very happy with the turnout. It’s important for people to be informed about the candidates. It is a crucial time.”
Beaver Hills Alder Brain Wingate said the event was a good opportunity for older residents in the neighborhood, many of whom he represents, to get a look at Malloy and to see how he’s holding up against the attack ads that many have seen on television.